Saturday 14 March 2015

Chandrakant's capitulation

When I passed my B.Sc. I had turned 20. My hair just touched my mid-back. During my college days I was supposed to be a highly mischievous and bold girl. Among my close friends (girls of course) I used to make a lot of jokes and even sexual jokes quite often (which I learnt from one of them called Varsha). Of course when I made similar jokes at home I was all but slapped by my mother. Such things were a strict no, no in our conservative household, or so I was made to think at that time. So I used to make such jokes only with willing girl friends. In the co-ed college that I studied I had befriended quite a few boys apart from all the girls. Of course, I maintained a respectable distance from those boys, physically and emotionally.
Since the first year of my B.Sc., I was attracted to the military hair cut of a couple of boys who were in NCC. They used to get the hair on the sides and back of their heads cut high up close to the skin and the top uncombably short – about half an inch. The cut looked cool on their heads and I liked it very much. My entreaties to my brother Vijay, 2 years older than me, to emulate the cut were met with a smirk and instant rejection. Of course, he had tonsured his head at Tirupati a couple of times and he liked it. But he said that that was different and a military cut is different. However, I started dreaming that my husband should always wear a military cut or a crew cut and go bald once in a while. I told my mother about this desire of mine on a couple of occasions.
When a girl called Kruti, one year junior to me, joined the college with a fine boyish cut I got attracted to that also. Why can’t I have such a cut myself? I was bold enough to propose that to my parents. Both rejected it outright. I put up quite a tantrum insisting that I get it done. But they did not budge. My religious father added “When you get married you propose that to your in-laws and if they agree I will not mind. But not till then.” So, I had to hang on to my midback long hair.
I recall an earlier incident which occurred when I was 13 and studying in 8th standard. Our neighbour, Sumitra was an office assistant in a high school. One day she barged into our house laughing her head off. She told my mother “Lakshmi, our HM came to the school with a crew cut!” Both my mother and that lady Sumitra laughed their heads off. Later I came to know that that particular HM by name Rukmini had tonsured her head twice in the last decade and moved about happily showing off her bald head. She was a widow and had a son by name Chandrakant who was studying in the second year of +2 at that time.
When I was about to complete my B.Sc. my parents started to look for a match for me. One day Sumitra suggested that her ex-HM Rukmini's son, Chandrakant would be a good match for me. My parents handed over a copy of my horoscope to her who delivered it to the now retired Rukmini. Five days later, my mother received a phone call from Rukmini that she and her son would come to our house the next week to ‘see’ me for suitability. My parents agreed.
Two days later I was going for a leisurely walk with my mother. My mother said “Pranati, you had tried to make a sexual joke a couple of years back. Can you say such a joke now?” I was horrified to hear her say that. I looked at her confused. She said “Now that you have completed your studies and is about to get married, no problem in saying such things now. But be discrete about it. Never say that in front of elders and kids. With me you can say that once in a while when I am alone.” Since then I do make sexual jokes with her also occasionally. She enjoys hearing it. In fact once my marriage was fixed, she went about explaining to me various things on sex, positions of sex, oral sex, anal sex and how to go about it. Initially with all my naughtiness I was embarrassed to hear such things from my mother, but later on I started enjoying such talks from her.
I had hoped that the ‘boy’ would have a crew cut what with a mother who had it once, probably now also. The thought made me giggle. Somehow my mother heard my giggle and asked me the reason. When I talked about the probable hair styles of the impending visitors, she chided me and asked me to behave like a bride to be but she herself could not suppress a giggle. But she knew how much I liked my future husband to have a nice crew cut or myself a boy cut. I had hoped that a crew cut m-i-l would happily permit her d-i-l to go for a boy cut.
The two came a week later. The lady’s hair was touching her midback. The boy’s hair was a normal man’s hair style – no clippered sides or back, no crew cut, nothing – in short, boring. I was disappointed. Of course, the boy was handsome, bright, fair, had a good employment in a nationalised bank. The lady, in spite of her age, was also quite beautiful and radiant. I thought that this family could be good for me. The lady asked me that and this. I replied clearly but with shyness as a bride-to-be should have replied in those days. Finally she took me inside one of our rooms for a private talk.
“Look, Pranati. You seem to be okay for me. But I have one wish which I do not know whether you could fulfil. I like short hair on my son and also on my daughter-in-law. In fact, I would be happy if she tonsures her head once in a few years. Tell me, would you like to keep your hair short if you become my d-i-l?”
I could not believe my ears. What a pleasant surprise! A lady expecting her d-i-l to have short hair! It was unheard of those days. But this tonsure thing put me off slightly. But then that was only an option. I asked “Will it be a condition for the marriage – short hair and tonsure?”
“No, since my son is unlikely to agree. I am expecting a d-i-l who is eager to change his attitude.”
“I really like short hair on myself also. My parents also know this. But let me think.”
“Do not raise this issue with him. He does not like it. He may even reject you if he comes to know that you like short hair. He is so much anti-short hair. If he raises the issue do not commit one way or the other” she advised me.
Next, the boy and myself had personal talk for about 10 minutes. Most things seemed to match. At last he said “I feel you are okay for me. But I will confirm later. But one thing. My mother is hoping to get someone who will persuade me to go for a crew cut. She is a short hair freak. She may tell you also to become a shorty. What is your inclination on this thing?”
Forewarned, I told “I am not very particular about these minor things now. If I marry you, I will always consult you on such things. Do not worry.” I tried to make it as diplomatic and non-committal as possible. He seemed to have been satisfied.
Then I told him my tendency and liking to make sexual jokes. He smiled and said that it would be okay as long as I did not say such things in front of his mother. I got overjoyed hearing this.
I got married to 23 year old Chandrakant immediately after my B.Sc. results came. Very soon we hit it off as a very good couple, each loving the other no end. He even enjoyed my dirty sexual talk. As per my m-i-l’s wishes I stayed home without bothering to join any employment.

We took my m-i-l’s wish of becoming a grand mother early very seriously and ‘worked’ at it from the first day after marriage. No pill, no condom, nothing. I made him ‘bang’ me every night twice or thrice. And I enjoyed it no end – vaginal, oral, 69, anal, he on top, I on top, etc. etc. One night we were so noisy in our utterances during our fucking that the next afternoon when myself and m-i-l were relaxing, she winked at me and said with a smile “You two seemed to be very happy yesterday night”. I blushed and lowered my head. She immediately said “No need to feel embarrassed. I am really happy that you two are having great time in bed. Even your utterances, though dirty in other places, are perfectly alright in lovemaking. The more noisy you are at that time and the more I hear you two doing it, the more I feel happy. Please carry on happily.” I felt happy.
Promptly, I missed my periods, which was due 20 days after marriage. A month later the pregnancy was confirmed. For the next few months not a single day passed without the two of us having great fucking sessions two or three times a night.
Varsha, my college friend who taught me to talk dirty, also got married about the same time and also lived with her hubby and in-laws about 2 km away. Once in a while we used to meet and renew our dirty talks with loud laughter. In fact, though taboo in respectable families, we used to discuss our fucking with our respective husbands – size of penis, what we say to each other, taste of cum, postures, etc.
Nine months after the marriage, I became the mother of a boy. We named him Pranav.
During those days whenever I tried to talk about Chandrakant’s hair length he used to shut me up. I thought that I would never be able to convince him for a crew cut – my teenage dream. Once, when I was three months pregnant I broached that I would like to go for a boy cut for myself. The look on his face scared me away. Here also I thought that I had lost.
When Pranav completed 2 years, m-i-l said that we all should go to Tirupati for Pranav’s mundan (first tonsure). I agreed that this was the right age. But Chandrakant was of a different opinion. "Going to Tirupati is alright. But Pranav need not undergo mundan. Nowadays people are not cutting full hair even for male kids. We can cut a few strands of his hair and then have darshan."
But my m-i-l would have none of it. She insisted that Pranav’s head be fully shaved in Tirupati as per family tradition. Chandru did not want to displease his aging mother too much. “Okay, do whatever you want. But don’t ask me to cut my hair there” he said.
Now, she dropped a bomb shell. “I had vowed long back that along with the mundan of my first grandchild, I would also go bald. So I will also be getting tonsured. Don’t either of you try to dissuade me. I am determined on that. In fact, it would have been nice if Pranati and you also had got tonsured. It would be for your own good. When we took you to Tirupati for your first tonsure, your father wanted me also to shave my head. I had rejected it but later on thought that I made a mistake. Now, Pranati should not lose that opportunity.”
I was horrified to hear this. I could not get angry on my m-i-l. She was such a nice person – my second mother so to say. She becoming a baldi again was not so much of problem for me. I remembered my giggle about 10 years ago and also when she had told me her tonsure story after my marriage and that brought a fleeting smile on my face. But myself going bald! Of course, I like to have a boy cut but not a bald cut. Even if I were to agree, there was no chance whatsoever of Chandru agreeing. But right now, Chandru became very angry at his mother. “If you go bald that is your problem. But do not touch my or Pranati’s hair. Ok?” he shouted at her. It was the first time that I heard him shout at his mother. M-i-l became red in the face at this rare defiance and went inside with tears. I felt sorry for her.
For the next three nights I avoided sex with him and chose masturbation to satisfy myself. I did not talk to him properly. He had cooled down now a lot but not yet apologised to m-i-l.
On the fourth day he almost tearfully asked “What mistake did I do for both of you to boycott me?”

“You have hurt your mother deeply with your arrogant reply and that has hurt me also.”
“Okay, I will apologise to her.”
“Chandru, the hurt you gave her is beyond words of apology. Some action is required. As repentance will you get your head shaved?”
Fortunately, he did not shout back now. Rather, he became serious “That is one thing which I cannot bring myself to do.”
“Okay, your mother has struggled alone to bring you up fulfilling so many of your childhood wishes. Can you not fulfil her few simple wishes?”
“Like what?”
“Like getting your head shaved along with Pranav or allowing me to get tonsured at least.”
His countenance became tough. He did not glare at me like last time. But he looked away. After about five minutes, with tears in his eyes “Okay, this once I will get tonsured as a punishment for having shouted at her. But, but… allowing you to do that… It is ….. it is ….. difficult for me.”
I was surprised to hear his personal capitulation. I cajoled him further. I was not very enthusiastic for my tonsure. But I wished to do it if I could make my m-i-l, that noble and friendly soul, happy. After all it was hair and anyway I was longing for short hair. It would be a difference of about 3 months only between bald and short hair.
I told him “Look Chandru, it is only hair. It is not as if I am the only young lady on earth who would have a shaved head. Thousands do it and do it happily. Your mother is such a noble soul that I would give anything to make her happy. What is the big deal in giving up hair which would grow back anyway? Please agree for my tonsure also.”
He replied “Let us see tomorrow.”
Back from work the next day, he touched his mother’s feet and apologised for his rude behaviour. He declared that he would also get tonsured after Pranav. He added to m-i-l’s surprise that I could also shave my head if I so desired. This was a pleasant surprise to m-i-l and myself. No doubt, she became joyous when she heard that Chandru would also tonsure. But she almost leaped in joy when she heard that he would allow me to go bald. Seeing that joy in her eyes made me lose all my doubts and I hugged her tightly. She affectionately tugged at my plait, took its end and caressed my face and nose with it playfully. Is my tonsuring going to make her that much happy? Probably there must be some good in it intrinsically. I could know about it only if I actually did it once. Well, now, I would tonsure my head, not just for her or my boycut sake but for its own sake and with full joy and happiness.
Pranati's First Tonsure
As per custom, Pranav was supposed to be tonsured sitting on the lap of his maternal uncle. I informed my parents and my brother about the decision of all the four of us getting fully tonsured in Tirupati during the mundan ceremony of Pranav. I invited them all to join us in the pilgrimage.
The news did not come as a surprise to any one of them. M-i-l's tonsure inclination was known anyway to my mother from Sumitra's conversation. As for my tonsure decision, my parents knew I longed for a boy cut and this could be in that direction. My brother asked parents' permission to go bald. It was granted. So, the seven of us went to Tirupati in a hired Toyota Qualis.
We decided to do Pranav's mundan in our cottage with the required rites. A purohit came, a barber came. The rites were done. Pranav sat on Vijay's lap. The barber wetted Pranav's head with lukewarm water, held his head firmly and started scraping the head. Vijay ably assisted the barber in controlling the toddler's head position. Pranav's cries were loud enough to be heard a km away. Finally, his whole head became smooth in about 8 minutes. Immediately he started smiling. He was given a bath and new clothes. All the remaining rites were completed.
Two hours later, we all trooped into Kalyanakatta. Vijay brought 4 tickets. While Vijay and Chandru had been assigned to the same barber, I and m-i-l had been assigned different barbers. My parents watched the events with a smile and Pranav was in their hands. There were two people – a man and his wife - in Vijay's queue while there were 5 and 8 in the queues of m-i-l and myself respectively. So it was Vijay's turn to go bald first. The barber first shaved off his moustache and the beard-like growth. Then he rendered Vijay's head bald in about 3 minutes. He rose with a smile.
Now, Chandru sat there with a nervous smile. I smiled at him encouragingly. I had insisted that he grow his beard to some extent for the event. Now, just like Vijay the first to be shaved off was his beard, then his moustache. It was first time that I saw him without his moustache. With great difficulty I suppressed a giggle. Now, the barber bent his head forward and shaved a big patch from rear to the front. I had dreaded that he would get tears. But, it was quite the opposite. He smiled slightly. As the bald patch grew wider, his smile also became larger. Finally, his head became fully bald. The barber wetted his head again and shaved all over once again. Chandru rose up with contentment and a broad smile. In my m-i-l's queue, one man was yet to be done. In my queue, two gents and a 18 year old girl were ahead of me. So, I could witness my m-i-l's tonsure.
The man in front of my m-i-l was shorn quickly. This particular barber looked pretty fast and efficient. He wetted m-i-l's head thoroughly and made her hair into two knots in about two minutes, and shaved off the entire thing in another two minutes. On her request, he wetted her head again and reshaved it making it nice and smooth. She rose with a broad smile. She really looked beautiful and young for her 64 years. I was surprised at the beauty of her baldness.
By now, the shaving of the two gents was over in my queue and the barber was wetting the girl's head. She was smiling benignly as her mother, already shorn bald in another queue, stood by my side and watched her tonsure. I struck up a small conversation with her in Telugu. The girl had buttock long hair – about 3 feet - and I thought it was brave of her to cast it off. She was giving hair as thanksgiving for getting a government seat in Medical College. The mother had got shorn because she likes it and she does it once in five or six years. This is her fourth tonsure since her marriage. And for the girl, this was her fifth. The last time the girl was tonsured here was when she was 13, three months after her puberty. She will again tonsure before receiving her Medical degree about six years hence. Now, the girl rose up with a nice grey bald head and all smiles. I smiled at her as I sat down with my butt hair undone.

The barber thoroughly wetted my hair roots for about a minute. My anticipation started growing. The barber plunged the blade to my forehead and scraped it backward all the way. I felt a strange sensation going through my body at that first cut. A chill hit the bald patch. As the shaving progressed I felt more and more joyful. I wished that the cut could go on such that the wonderful sensation of the shaving would never stop. But it was not to be and the whole thing was over in about 4 minutes. M-i-l instructed the barber to make my head smooth. So, he wetted the head again and ran the blade once again all over. I rose up with a broad smile and running my hand on my now smooth bald head. Looking at the hand mirror I started giggling at my strange look. But for the milling crowd I would have laughed out loud. My mother hugged me caressing my bald head.
After the Darshan all of us returned to our place in the Qualis – two hairies and five baldies. And of those baldies two are ladies. My m-i-l declared that henceforth she would keep her head a crew cut one. And she would visit Tirupati once a year and get fully tonsured. Back home, the majority of neighbours reacted funnily – giggling behind their hands, openly asking why I did it, showing a disgusted face, etc. But some noble souls appreciated it. Anyway I cared two hoots for those who did not approve. With full encouragement from my m-i-l I thoroughly enjoyed my bald status by going around with bare bald head. My m-i-l was extremely happy that I took my baldness very joyously.
The first night after returning from Tirupati with bald heads, Chandru told me that he had made a mistake of showing too much aversion to tonsure of heads. In fact, now he finds it not so bad, rather the feeling is good and looks are also not bad. He said I look really beautiful with my bald head. And that night, both of us were overcome with increased sexual urge looking at and feeling each other's bald head. Normally his penis grows to about 6 inches. That night his penis grew to 7 inches and he fucked me in the vagina thrice – twice from the front and once from the rear. And the fucking was so noisy that probably the neighbours would have heard the sounds.
Fifteen days after the Tirupati tonsure, Chandru told me "Pranati, I know you like to have a boy cut. Initially I had aversion to it. But now, you can have it for a few months." I was overjoyed to hear that. "I also will go for a crew cut for a few months" he added. Now my heaven was within walking distance.
For about a month, we enjoyed wild sex in various positions. By then I missed my periods and soon it was evident that I was carrying our second child. By now, all of us had about half an inch long hair. Pranav's hair had been cut only once till now and that was in Tirupati. A second cut need not be a full shave but we chose it to be so. We took him to the nearby Venkateshwara temple, got a barber there and got his head fully shaved a second time. Henceforth, he would grow hair a little bit but I was determined to keep it quite short, may be about an inch at the longest.

Pranati's Boycut
The Sunday following Pranav's second mottai (head-shave) the three of us elders walked into the barber shop frequented by my husband. Of course I had Pranav in my arm. Since my m-i-l had last used that shop several years ago, the barber was astonished to see her after so many years and that too with a short crop of about half an inch.
Chandru said 'crew cut for all three; machine cut high up and nice all round and quarter inch on top'. First it was m-i-l in the seat. The barber after draping her bosom with a white cloth and tucking it behind at her neck pushed her head to her left and started clicking his hand operated clippers ('machine' as it is called by the barbers) at her right temple. He took it high up about an inch and a half above her ears. The happy expression on m-i-l's face revealed that she was enjoying it. The barber continued this operation all around the head. He wetted her top hair with water spray and cut the top hair to about quarter inch as instructed by Chandru. He took a smaller set of hand clippers and clipped the sides and back closely making them almost bald. The good thing was the transition from the bald sides and back to the top quarter inch was very smooth. As a result the cut looked very good.
The cut was repeated on Chandru next. Looking at him being clippered started making me horny. My long felt dream of his having clippered sides and back and a crew cut had become true. I was itching to run my hands on his bald sides and prickly top. But now, I was the one next under the clippers.
The feeling of the clippers cutting the hair at my temple leaving a grey patch behind (as seen in the mirror) and small hairs falling sent me to heaven. I hoped the feeling would be good all through the process. Especially, when he pushed my head down for cutting at the back and the cluk-cluk sound started at the nape I was about to cum. When comb passed over the top of my head for the close cropping by scissors it was another heavenly experience. The best came when the smaller set of clippers made their journey all round my head almost shaving the sides bald. It was a miracle that I could resist cumming in my panties.
I went home unabashedly feeling my bald sides all through in full public view. After bath and food I put Pranav to sleep and dragged Chandru to bed room. Seeing this, m-i-l understood and said "Enjoy". The afternoon sex with Chandru that day was one of the best and highly noisy. Both of us lost all inhibitions and the sexiest language was used which could be heard by my m-i-l. For two hours we fucked and fucked, he filling all my three holes with his dick one after the other and cumming in them. Not satisfied, he cummed on my freshly clippered nape and spread the cum on the sides by his hand.
He declared that henceforth he will keep this style only. He told me that I should also keep this style. Now I was in a dilemma. I was aiming for a boycut but he was suggesting a crew cut like his mother. It was feeling and looking good but I still yearned for a boycut. I said as much to Chandru. After a lot of haggling he commanded "OK. You can grow out a bit and go for a boy cut but on the condition that the sides and back should be clippered like now." So finally I agreed that I would keep the sides and back clippered close and the top just sufficient to comb – may be about an inch at the back and an inch and a half in the front. Immediately he once more thrust his cock into my mouth and fucked it. And as he came again I swallowed all his cum noisily.
That evening when Chandru had gone out with Pranav for a walk, m-i-l giggled and told me "I heard you two making it out noisily. Good. Keep it up. A good sex life will do both of you good. I also heard your choicest epithets during your fucking. That is also good if you keep those words among yourself. Let not the youngsters hear them at a young age. Anyway, can you repeat some of them before Chandru returns?" For a moment I was awestruck at her request. But I composed myself, giggled and repeated almost all of those sexy words we had used. I also told her how her son drilled my holes. She giggled and giggled. Since then, once in a while I used to describe to her my sex with Chandru when Pranav was sleeping.
My m-i-l and Chandru got their heads shorn to crew cut every month. I also got my monthly haircut but the top was not trimmed as close but the sides got clippered. In three months I had enough length to have a boyish style. But the sides and back continued to be clippered bald. I had got hooked to the style. My parents said "Finally you have achieved your dream". I decided that I would maintain the style henceforth

Being the second pregnancy, I did not have to go to the parents' house for post delivery care. I chose to be with m-i-l and husband. Three days before the possible delivery date, I told my wish to give birth with a bald head. My m-i-l readily agreed. But I did not want to scale the barber's chair with my protruding tummy. So Chandru brought the barber to my house with his implements. At home, I was made to sit on a stool. I refused to be draped. Let the hair pieces fall on my clothes and body I said. I had skipped the previous month's haircut. So the hair had grown quite long – about three inches on top and an inch on the sides and back.
The barber took his hand clippers, bent my head fully forward and clipped away high up my head and over the occipital bone. For the first time in my life the clippers touched my forehead clearing the hair there. After clippering all over my head with the big clippers, he took the smaller clippers and repeated the process. My entire head became bald with a sandpaper texture. My m-i-l, my parents, my brother apart from my husband and young Pranav were witness to this strange desire of mine. Pieces of hair entered my blouse and a lot had collected on my tummy carrying my new child inside. Oh! it was a heavenly feeling. I decided that I deliver all my future children in this way only. We had decided, by the way, to have at least four children.
My m-i-l surprised everyone by sitting on the stool vacated by me and asking the barber to repeat the same on her head also. So in about 15 minutes her head also became sandpapery bald. M-i-l and d-i-l were ‘baldily’ ready to welcome a new baby and tend to him/her. The cut hair of the two was collected, packed and kept away to be dropped in Tirupati three months after my delivery.
The hospital staff including the doctor and nurses giggled a lot looking at a bald lady about to deliver. Anyway, the delivery was normal and the child was a girl. We name her Shaalini.

Three months later, we all made our annual trip to Tirupati. The hair clippered at home before delivery was dropped in the hair hundi at Kalyanakatta. Including me all the four in our house got tonsured again smooth. Only the newborn was not touched for now.
My brother Vijay's marriage had been fixed by now and was supposed to be held four months after our Tirumala trip. About a week before the marriage I had my brand boycut, though a bit shorter on top than usual. My m-i-l and Chandru had their brand crew cuts while Pranav was shorn close with scissors. Clippering on him would start after he reached five years of age. The bride, Kamala, giggled seeing our hairstyles. She was awestruck seeing our photos with bald heads. A week later she confided in me that she also wished to get her head tonsured at least once in Tirupati. Would my parents and Vijay approve?
By now Vijay had softened his stand on crewcut and liked my bald head. When I broached the subject of Kamala's wish, he did not say no but said that Amma would not accept. I told Amma myself about Kamala's wish. Instead of becoming wild she brightened up with joy. She said she would welcome it but could she wait till she delivers her first child?
When I told about this to Kamala, she almost leapt with joy. Nine months later she gave birth to a girl who was named Vimala. Eight months later, I had my third child, another girl, again with my head shorn bald at home. We named the child Maalini. Three months later we all made a trip to Tirupati – m-i-l, Chandru, myself, Pranav, Shaalini, three month old Maalini, Appa, Amma, Vijay, Kamala, Vimala who was supposed to be tonsured for the first time, Kamala's parents, her brother and his wife, their 3 year old son – 5 gents, 6 ladies, two young boys, two young girls and a female baby – 16 in all. The surprise news was Amma, Kamala's amma, Kamala's sister-in-law were also going to tonsure. I knew no bounds of joy. So barring young Maalini all the remainging 15 returned with nice bald heads and joyful hearts. My experience had given encouragement to others and none chose to wear a scarf.

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